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【ChatGPT】運用ChatGPT求職大法 Job Hunting using ChatGPT


根據Resume Builder的調查,受訪的求職者中46%曾經使用ChatGPT撰寫簡歷或求職信。其中59%受訪者表示,他們用ChatGPT編寫的簡歷或求職信應徵後,獲公司錄用。相比他們自己撰寫的簡歷或求職信,69%的人認為人工智能協助他們獲得更多公司的反饋。基於以往求職效果理想,88%的受訪求職者表示會繼續運用ChatGPT找工作。以下是一些ChatGPT使你的求職過程更容易的方法。

  1. 根據職缺描述撰寫簡歷或求職信
    “I am applying for [position and company], rewriting the following experience, so that I can better fit [company name]’s corporate culture. [Attach the experience]”

  2. 參照你的簡歷撰寫LinkedIn摘要
    “Write a LinkedIn About section using my resume and include my total years of experience, and keep it shorter than 150 words. [Attach the resume]”

  3. 準備面試
    “Now that you are an interviewer for [position] at [company], please share the most common [number] questions you would ask during an interview for [position].”

  4. 研究公司情況
    “You are now interviewing for [position] at [company], I need to understand the company. Please summarize the company’s background, culture and value. The following is the company background from different sources: [Attach the source]”

  5. 根據你的經驗提供職業建議
    “I’m [character description] and I’m puzzling about my future career options. Suggest a few career options that may potentially fit.”

ChatGPT是一個非常有效的工具,但卻易學難精,並不是每個指令(prompt) 都能得到理想的結果,要成功就必須耐性和反覆試驗。緊記要盡可能具體地表達你的職業偏好和對ChatGPT的需求,提供相關資訊以確保個性化回覆並避免冗長的提示,ChatGPT往往能就較短的提示產生更佳的回覆。使用ChatGPT可以有效節省求職所需的時間和精力,迅速將合適的工作機會範圍縮小和需要投入的時間縮短。大家不妨嘗試一下。

Job hunting is an arduous process, especially in today’s ever-changing job market. Artificial intelligence may make job seeking less painful as it helps streamline the process for job seekers.

According to a survey conducted by Resume Builder, 46% of job seekers have utilized ChatGPT to write their resumes or cover letters. Compared to the resumes or cover letters they wrote themselves, 69% of respondents believe AI helped them get more responses from companies. Based on previous positive experiences, 88% of job seekers are planning to continue using ChatGPT to find a job. Following are some ways that ChatGPT can make your job searching process easier.

  1. Tailor your resume and cover letter to a job description
    “I am applying for [position and company], rewriting the following experience, so that I can better fit [company name]‘s corporate culture. [Attach the experience]”

  2. Write a LinkedIn summary regarding your resume
    “Write a LinkedIn About section using my resume and include my total years of experience, and keep it shorter than 150 words. [Attach the resume]”

  3. Prepare for job interviews
    “Now that you are an interviewer for [position] at [company], please share the most common [number] questions you would ask during an interview for [position].”
    ChatGPT can provide sample responses to any of the interview questions, but it’s best to iterate if you want the most from it.

  4. Research on the Company
    “You are now interviewing for [position] at [company], I need to understand the company. Please summarize the company’s background, culture and value. The following is the company background from different sources: [Attach the source]”

  5. Provide Career Advice based on your experience
    “I’m [character description] and I’m puzzling about my future career options. Suggest a few career options that may potentially fit.”


Despite its ease of use, ChatGPT is difficult to master. You will not get the desired results with every prompt, but patience and practice will get you there. It is important to be as specific as possible about your job preferences and what you require from ChatGPT in a clear context. Provide relevant assets to help ensure personalization and avoid lengthy prompts. Shorter prompts tend to yield better responses with ChatGPT. By narrowing down your job opportunities and reducing the amount of time you spend on your job search, ChatGPT can save you a great deal of time and effort. Why not give it a shot?


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