美股在上日大漲後回軟,周五期指期權結算日,標指曾跌1%,收市與納斯達克指數小幅下跌,道瓊斯指數在Nike和英特爾帶動下反覆再創新高。總結一周,三大指數均升超過1%。商品價格造好,金價再創新高,中東局勢再趨緊張,繼受到通訊設備爆炸襲擊後,黎巴嫩真主黨稱高級指揮官Ibrahim Aqil喪生。油價一周升幅是2月以來最大,連續兩星期上漲。
The stock market is sending a clear bullish signal, with Magnificent 7 stocks Meta, Apple and Tesla among dozens of buys.
Nvidia has built a solid position for itself in this fast-growing data center niche that could help generate sizable revenue for the company in the long run.