We recently published a list of Beyond the Tech Giants: 35 Non-Tech AI Opportunities. In this article, we are going to take a look at where Walmart Inc. (NYSE:WMT) stands against the other not-tech AI stocks. Investors have been desperately searching for a safer way to play the AI boom that has swept the US stock […]
Initial public offering BBB Foods operates hard-discount grocery stores in Mexico that, like Aldi in the U.S., have a pricing edge on Walmart.
中國上月核心消費者物價指數 (CPI) 年增 0.3%,創 2021 年 3 月以來最小升幅紀錄,而在中國內需消費持續復甦乏力之際,沃爾瑪與大潤發等大型連鎖零售商不斷關店,但一家來自德國的折扣超市奧樂齊 (Aldi) 卻逆勢崛起,不斷在中國展店擴大規模。 根據中國連鎖經營協會