Yahoo Finance Invest Asia

The year of 2023 will go down as one of headline-grabbing, portfolio-rocking surprises for investors all over the world. The rise of generative AI came out of left field, lighting an inferno under tech stocks reminiscent of the late 1990s tech bubble. When integrated with Fintech, what impact will it have on the investment landscape? The Federal Reserve has remained steadfast in raising interest rates to stomp out inflation at the detriment of the economy, how can investors identify the best investment opportunities? Given the vast business potential of the Greater Bay Area, how can enterprises tap into this promise? And what are the potential risks they should be cautious of? Enter Yahoo Finance’s ‘Invest’ conference, the pre-eminent wealth-building event for investors worldwide. Engage in enlightening discussions with leading figures from the realms of business, finance and politics. Impactful interviews and breakout sessions on markets, the economy and politics. Above all else, context from Yahoo Finance’s highly trusted newsroom that is tailor made to think up big ideas, and take bold actions. |對香港以至全球的投資者而言,2023年是一個充滿變化的一年,這些變化大大改變了投資者的投資方向。人工智能技術發展掀起的科技熱潮,令各行各業都趨之若鶩;當與金融科技(Fintech)結合時,又會對投資市場造成哪些影響?此外,投資者在加息時代應該如何捕捉投資機會?商界又應該如何把握潛力龐大的大灣區商機?Yahoo Finance Invest Asia 為全球投資者策劃頂尖財富策略論壇,雲集金融、Fintech、科技、商界、政界等領袖人物,透過訪談及討論,從不同角度與大家剖析市場、經濟及政策等重要議題,啟發財富增值思維,審時度勢、明辨機遇。

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  • The Honourable Bernard Charnwut Chan, GBM, GBS, JP 陳智思 GBM, GBS, JP

    The Honourable Bernard Charnwut Chan, GBM, GBS, JP 陳智思 GBM, GBS, JP

    M+ Museum Ltd, Chairman|M+博物館主席

    A graduate of Pomona College in California, Bernard Charnwut Chan is the Chairman and President of the publicly-listed Asia Financial Holdings and Chairman of Asia Insurance. Bernard has a long record of public service. He was a Hong Kong Deputy to the National People’s Congress of The People’s Republic of China (2008-2023) and the previous Convenor of the Non-Official Members of the Executive Council (2017-2022). A patron of the arts, he is Chairman of M Plus Museum Ltd. In 2020 Bernard received Hong Kong’s highest honor, the Grand Bauhinia Medal.|陳智思畢業於美國加州Pomona College,現職亞洲金融集團主席兼總裁及亞洲保險主席。陳智思於公職服務上涉及不少範疇,他曾於2008-2023年出任全國人民代表大會香港區代表。於2004-2009年及2012-2022年被委任為行政會議非官守成員,2017-2022年擔任行政會議非官守成員召集人,並擔任M+博物館主席。陳智思於 2020年獲授最高榮譽的大紫荊勳章。

  • The Honourable Duncan Chiu 邱達根

    The Honourable Duncan Chiu 邱達根

    Legislative Council Member, Technology & Innovation Constituency|香港特別行政區立法會議員 (科技創新界)

    Duncan has committed himself to the development of technology and innovation in Hong Kong since early 2000’s. He is an advocate of local Tech and Innovation policies, a tech entrepreneur, a veteran investor. In 2022, Duncan was elected to the 7th term of the Legislative Council, representing the Technology and Innovation Constituency. He has been diligent in uniting the industry and speaking up for the general public and the long-term development of Hong Kong. He often makes suggestions to the Government on technology development, economic and public health related policies.|邱達根先生致力推動創科發展,是科創政策倡議者、科技企業創業者及資深投資者。2022年邱先生代表科技創新界當選為第七屆立法會議員。邱先生努力團結業界,為市民關注的議題發聲,為香港謀發展,並多次就科創發展、經濟政策、醫療服務等向政府建言。

  • Jason Chen 陳俊聖

    Jason Chen 陳俊聖

    Acer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer|宏碁集團董事長暨執行長

    Jason Chen has been Chairman and CEO of Acer since 2017. From 2014 to 2017 he served as Corporate President and CEO, and played a pivotal role in driving Acer’s corporate transformation and diversification into new business areas. Before joining Acer, Chen served at TSMC from 2005 to 2013 where his last assignment was Senior Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Marketing. From 1991 to 2005 he enjoyed a 14-year career at Intel during which his last position was as Corporate Vice President of Sales and Marketing Group based at Intel’s U.S. headquarters.| 陳俊聖自2014年加入宏碁至2017年為全球總裁暨執行長,並於2017年起擔任宏碁董事長暨執行長,領導團隊進行企業轉型,並積極拓展新事業版圖。在加入宏碁之前,陳俊聖在2005年至2013年間任職於台積電,並於該公司最高擔任全球行銷業務資深副總經理;在1991年至2005年服務於英特爾公司,前後達14年,後至美國總部主管業務與行銷,並擔任全球副總裁一職。

  • Stuart Duguid 斯圖爾特.杜吉德

    Stuart Duguid 斯圖爾特.杜吉德

    EVOLVE and Hana Kuma Co-Founder|EVOLVE 及 Hana Kuma 聯合創辦人

    A tennis agent since 2010, and an advocate for advancing women’s sports, Stuart Duguid played a pivotal role in managing Naomi Osaka’s meteoric rise to global superstardom and the first female athlete to exceed $50 million in annual earnings. He and Osaka are the co-founders of the talent management agency EVOLVE and the Emmy Award-nominated production company Hana Kuma.|斯圖爾特.杜吉德 (Stuart Duguid) 由2010 年起擔任網球經理人,他亦是推動女子運動發展的倡導者,在幫助大坂直美(Naomi Osaka) 迅速崛起為全球巨星及首位年收入逾5000 萬美元女運動員過程中,他發揮了關鍵作用。 斯圖爾特.杜吉德與大坂直美為人才管理機構 EVOLVE 和榮獲艾美獎提名的製作公司 Hana Kuma 共同創辦人。

  • Cathy Jiang 江凱

    Cathy Jiang 江凱

    PWC China, Tax and China Business Advisory Services Partner|羅兵咸永道中國稅務及中國商務諮詢部合夥人

    Cathy is the partner of Tax and China Business Advisory Service with PwC. She is also the in-charge partner of Southern China Domestic Market Initiative (DMI) tax team, PwC Shenzhen Tax, “Belt & Road United” Shenzhen and Greater Bay Area Strategic Tax Partner. Cathy has been extensively involved in the tax planning, portfolio company planning and restructuring, investment exit and deal negotiation for various types of funds. She was honoured China M&A Service Awards 2014 and CMAA awards of “Best M&A Financial Services” in 2019. She was voted by International Tax Review as “Tax Controversy Leader” in 2018.|江凱為羅兵咸永道稅務及中國商務諮詢部合夥人,南中國“國內業務發展部”和大灣區戰略稅務合夥人,以及深圳稅務主管合夥人和“一帶一路”全景平台深圳負責人。江凱深度參與各種基金的稅務架構籌畫、投資組合規劃重組、投資退出、交易談判等。江凱曾獲得2014年中國並購服務大獎,2019年最佳財務服務獎(CMAA),並於2018年被《國際稅收評論》評選為“稅務爭議解決領袖”。

  • Vivien Khoo

    Vivien Khoo

    Asia Crypto Alliance, Chairwoman & Co-founder|亞洲加密聯盟主席及聯合創辦人

    Vivien is the Chairwoman and co-founder of the Asia Crypto Alliance, an industry association that promotes growth and sustainable development of virtual assets providers in Asia. She is also the Senior Advisor of StashAway, a digital wealth management platform. Vivien moved into the digital industry in 2019 where she was the Global Chief Operating Officer and Interim CEO at a leading crypto derivatives exchange. Prior to that, Vivien spent close to two decades at Goldman Sachs where she was the managing director of Goldman Sachs’ Asia Pacific Ex-Japan Compliance division.|Vivien是亞洲加密聯盟的主席兼聯合創始人,該聯盟致力促進亞洲虛擬資產提供者的成長及永續發展。她並擔任數位資產管理平台StashAway的高級顧問。Vivien於 2019 年進入數位產業,擔任一家領先的加密貨幣衍生品交易所的全球首席營運長兼臨時執行長。在此之前,Vivien 在高盛工作了近二十年,擔任高盛亞太區(日本以外)合規部門董事總經理。

  • Alvin Kwock 郭彥麟

    Alvin Kwock 郭彥麟

    OneDegree Group, Co-Founder|OneDegree Group 共同創辦人

    Alvin Kwock is Co-Founder of OneDegree Group, part of a new generation of InsurTech that is reimagining the industry with design thinking and digital innovation. Prior to starting OneDegree, Alvin was the Asia-Pacific Head of Emerging Technology and Taiwan Head of Research at JPMorgan. Under Alvin’s leadership, JPM’s Asia Tech Hardware team has been received multiple accolades. He is a member of United Nations ESCAP’s Banking and Finance Task Force, Hong Kong Insurance Authority’s Future Task Force.|郭彥麟為OneDegree Group共同創辦人。OneDegree 是新一代科技保險公司,以設計思維與科技創新重新塑造保險行業。在成立OneDegree前,郭先生曾於摩根大通擔任亞太新興科技研究部主管和台灣研究部主管,帶領團隊屢獲殊榮。郭先生現為聯合國亞洲及太平洋經濟社會委員會的銀行及金融專責小組成員、香港保險業監管局的未來發展專責小組成員。

  • Gary Liu 劉可瑞

    Gary Liu 劉可瑞

    Terminal 3, Co-Founder & CEO|Terminal 3聯合創辦人兼行政總裁

    Gary Liu is the Co-Founder & CEO of Terminal 3, a company building decentralized user data infrastructure that replaces centralized solutions which deprive users of privacy and saddle enterprises with compliance and security issues. In his previous role as CEO of the South China Morning Post, Gary oversaw an extensive transformation of the century-old publishing group, expanding its global audience reach and influence, establishing new revenue channels, and cementing SCMP as Asia’s leading news media company. |劉可瑞為Terminal 3聯席創辦人兼行政總裁,Terminal 3是一家建立去中心化用戶資料基礎設施公司,以取代剝奪了用戶隱私、令企業面對合規及安全問題的中心化解決方案。劉可瑞之前擔任南華早報行政總裁,他任內推動這家百年出版集團全面轉型,擴大了其全球讀者接觸面及影響力,建立了新的收入來源,並鞏固了南華早報作為亞洲領先新聞媒體的地位。

  • Jamie Lin 林之晨

    Jamie Lin 林之晨

    Taiwan Mobile, President & AppWorks, Chairman & Partner|台灣大哥大總經理及AppWorks董事長暨合夥人

    Jamie now serves as President at Taiwan Mobile and Chairman & Partner at AppWorks, the Greater Southeast Asia leading startup accelerator and venture capital firm founded by Jamie in 2009. Taiwan Mobile and AppWorks formed a strategic alliance in January 2019, resulting in Jamie taking over as the President of Taiwan Mobile. His blog, MR JAMIE, has provided inspiration to millions of readers in the startup community since 2009.|林之晨為台灣大哥大總經理,在他的「Telco+Tech 科技電信航母策略」帶領下,營收獲利屢創新高;他在2009年創立亞洲指標創業加速器AppWorks,2019年與台灣大形成策略聯盟,為彼此提供下一階段關鍵動能。他長期經營MR JAMIE網誌與天下專欄,無數創業者、企業領導者帶來珍貴的啓發。

  • King Leung 梁瀚璟

    King Leung 梁瀚璟

    InvestHK, Head of Financial Services and Fintech|投資推廣署財經金融及金融科技主管

    As the Head of Financial Services and Fintech at InvestHK, the department of the Hong Kong SAR Government responsible for attracting Foreign Direct Investment, King’s mission is to enrich the ecosystem and contribute to raising the long-term competitiveness and innovation of the financial services sector in Hong Kong. King achieves this goal through collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders – regulators, financial institutions, investors, fintech companies, associations, etc. in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area, and other major international fintech hubs. |梁瀚璟先生領導香港特別行政區投資推廣署財經金融、金融科技及碳中和團隊,透過吸引國際及內地金融、金融科技及碳中和公司來港以協肋豐富金融生態系統,為持續提升香港金融服務業的長期競爭力與創新作出貢獻。梁先生與金融業的主要伙伴-香港、大灣區和其他主要國際金融中心的監管機構、金融機構、投資署、金融科技公司、協會等合作,實現多贏目標。

  • Irene Lee 李嘉明

    Irene Lee 李嘉明

    Board Member of Fintech Association of Hong Kong|香港金融科技協會董事會成員

    Irene is a multifaceted compliance professional with a diverse range of skills and experiences that have propelled her to the forefront of the financial industry; with extensive compliance experience in financial sectors including private bank, commercial bank and insurance. Prior to her current position, Irene served as a leader in Regtech, Global Wealth Management and GBA Compliance in UBS AG. She has made a significant impact on the Fintech community as a Board member and Head of GBA of the Fintech Association of Hong Kong.|李嘉明是一位擁有豐富經驗的金融科技合規專家,她在財富管理、家族辦公室、金融科技和監管科技領域的合規工作成為行業標桿,憑借深厚瞭解複雜監管框架的能力,使她躋身金融業的前沿。 在擔任現職之前,李嘉明曾在瑞銀擔任監管科技、全球財富管理和大灣區合規領域的職務。她是現屆香港金融科技協會董事會成員和大灣區主管。

  • Michael Lee 李嘉泰

    Michael Lee 李嘉泰

    FWD Hong Kong & Macau, Chief Operations Officer|富衛香港及澳門首席營運總監

    Michael leads the operation arms of FWD Hong Kong & Macau as Chief Operations Officer, driving operational excellence and enabling sustainable growth through forward thinking strategies and proactive resilience planning with a customer-led approach.Throughout his career spanning over two decades in life insurance managing local and regional operations, Michael has pushed forward various impactful initiatives to achieve organisational agility, resilience and operational transformation for a digital world.|李嘉泰為富衛香港及澳門首席營運總監,帶領富衛的營運團隊,通過具前瞻性的策略和積極富彈性的規劃,推動公司的高效營運,秉持以客為先的理念,實現可持續的業務增長。李嘉泰擁有超過20年人壽保險經驗,管理本地及區域營運,推動多項具影響力的項目,實現數碼年代下企業所需的高彈性,而堅韌穩健的營運轉型。

  • Dr Patrick Lau 劉會平

    Dr Patrick Lau 劉會平

    HKTDC, Deputy Executive Director|香港貿易發展局副總裁

    Dr Patrick Lau has been Deputy Executive Director of the HKTDC since April 2019. Dr Lau oversees specifically the HKTDC’s 50 offices worldwide, external relations, corporate communications and marketing. Prior to the HKTDC, Dr Lau specialised in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and investments. Dr Lau graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, and Bachelor of Laws with first class honours from Monash University in Melbourne. He was Honorary Senior Lecturer in Business Law at Monash University and part-time Lecturer at the Law Faculty of the University of Hong Kong. |劉會平先生自2019年4月出任香港貿易發展局副總裁。他主管該局在全球50個辦事處、對外事務、傳訊及推廣事務。在加入香港貿發局之前,劉先生是經驗豐富的銀行家、投資者及交易促成者,專注於 收購合併及投資。劉先生於墨爾本蒙納士大學同時修讀醫學及法律,並取得內外全科醫學士以及法學學 士一級榮譽學位。劉先生曾任蒙納士大學商業及經濟學院榮譽高級講師,以及香港大學法學院兼職講師。

  • Andini Makosinski

    Andini Makosinski

    Inventor, Writer & global keynote speaker |發明家、作家及演說家

    Andini is a 26 year old Filipina-Polish Canadian inventor, writer and global keynote speaker. An all round 21st century Renaissance woman, Andini is best known for her invention of the Hollow Flashlight, a flashlight that runs off the heat of the human hand, as well as the eDrink, a coffee mug that harvests the excess heat of your hot drink and converts it into electricity to charge your phone. Andini has given 5 TEDx talks, one of Forbes Magazine’s 30 Under 30, Time Magazine’s 30 Under 30 World Changers.|Andini是一位26 歲的菲律賓及波蘭裔、加拿大籍發明家、作家和演說家。Andini成名作是利用人手熱力發電的Hollow Flashlight,以及收集熱量轉化為電能為手機充電的eDrink。Andini曾參與5場 TEDx talks,並曾入選福布斯「30位30歲以下精英」及時代雜誌「30位30歲以下改變世界年輕人」,以及年度最受歡迎年輕發展家。

  • Naomi Osaka 大坂直美

    Naomi Osaka 大坂直美

    Four-Time Grand Slam Tennis Champion, EVOLVE and Hana Kuma Co-Founder|四屆大滿貫得主、EVOLVE及Hana Kuma聯合創辦人

    Naomi Osaka’s extraordinary tennis triumphs combined with her off-the-court activism make her one of the biggest global names in all of sports. In 2021, she added entrepreneur to her résumé, launching KINLÒ, a line of sun protection products for melanated skin. In 2022, Osaka and her longtime business partner Stuart Duguid launched sports management agency EVOLVE and Hana Kuma, a media company telling stories that tackle important issues in society.|非凡的網球成就加上在球場外的活躍表現,令大坂直美成為全球最知名的運動員之一。 2021 年,她在自己的履歷中加入企業家身份,推出針對黑色素皮膚防曬產品 KINLÒ。 2022 年,大坂直美與她的長期合作夥伴 Stuart Duguid 創立了運動管理機構 EVOLVE,以及講述社會重要議題的媒體製作公司 Hana Kuma。

  • Scott Sperling 斯科特·斯珀林

    Scott Sperling 斯科特·斯珀林

    Thomas H. Lee Partners, Co-CEO|Thomas H. Lee Partners聯席行政總裁

    Scott Sperling is co-CEO and a co-chair of the management committee of Thomas H. Lee Partners (THL), a private equity firm investing in middle-market growth companies. For more than a decade prior to joining the firm in 1994, Sperling was managing partner of the affiliate of Harvard Management Company that managed alternative asset classes for Harvard University’s endowment fund.|斯科特·斯珀林為 Thomas H. Lee Partners (THL)的聯席行政總裁兼管理委員會聯席主席,該公司是一家投資於中階市場增長型企業的私募股權公司。 斯科特·斯珀林在 1994 年加入THL前的十多年,他一直擔任哈佛資產管理公司附屬機構的管理合夥人,該公司為哈佛大學捐贈基金管理另類投資。

  • Hans Vestberg 漢斯·維斯特伯格

    Hans Vestberg 漢斯·維斯特伯格

    Verizon Chairman & CEO|Verizon主席兼行政總裁

    Hans Vestberg was appointed CEO of Verizon in 2018 and became chairman in 2019. He has transformed Verizon’s business, leading the company to be the first in the United States to deploy 5G home and mobile technology, followed by the launch of 5G ultra wideband and fixed wireless access. Vestberg chairs the World Economic Forum’s EDISON Alliance, a global movement of public and private sector leaders committed to digital inclusion.|漢斯·維斯特伯格(Hans Vestberg) 於2018 年出任Verizon行政總裁,並於2019 年擔任公司主席。他上任後領導Verizon進行業務轉型,帶領該公司在美國率先部署5G固網及流動通訊技術,隨後推出5G 超寬頻和固網路服務。 漢斯·維斯特伯格為世界經濟論壇愛迪生聯盟的主席,該聯盟是公私營機構領導推動的全球運動,致力推廣數碼共融。


  • Brian Sozzi

    Brian Sozzi

    Yahoo Finance, Executive Editor|Yahoo 財經執行編輯

    Brian Sozzi is Yahoo Finance’s Executive Editor. He also hosts executive interviews for Yahoo Finance's 'All Markets Summit' conference and 'Yahoo Finance Presents' digital series. Sozzi was previously the Executive Editor of publicly traded financial media company TheStreet. He was a member of TheStreet's executive management team and reported directly to the founder, CEO and chairman. Sozzi began his career on Wall Street as a sell-side stock analyst covering retailers, banks and numerous other sectors. He won the 2011 FT | StarMine Analyst Award for No. 3 Earnings Estimator in the Textiles Apparel and Luxury Goods Industry.|Brian Sozzi為Yahoo財經執行編輯,他並擔任《Yahoo財經全球市場峰會》及《Yahoo Finance Presents》系列主持。他之前曾擔任財經媒體TheStreet執行編輯,他為TheStreet管團團隊成員,直接向創辦人、執行長及主席匯報。Brian Sozzi在華爾街開展個人事業,曾擔任股票分析師、涵蓋零售、銀行及其他行業。他在2011年贏得《金融時報》| StarMine 紡織服裝及奢侈品行業收益分析師第三名殊榮。

  • Isabel Wong

    Isabel Wong

    Business Journalist | 資深財經記者

    Isabel Wong is a TV presenter and business journalist who has extensive experience interviewing international business leaders and policy makers. She was the lead anchor of Hong Kong International Business Channel, a free-to-air English news channel operated by i-Cable News, and launched its weekly flagship financial programme 'All About Money' as the show host and producer. Isabel has also worked at Bloomberg TV, and her works are featured on Travel Channel, Asia Tatler, RTHK, Young Post and more. |Isabel Wong為電視主播及財經記者,她在訪問國際商業領袖及政策制定者方面擁有豐富經驗。她現時擔任由有線新聞營運的免費頻道香港國際財經台主播,並負責監製及主持每週旗艦節目《All About Money》。Isabel Wong曾在Bloomberg TV工作,她參與節目曾在香港電台、Travel Channel、Asia Taler及Young Post等平台播放。