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7.68k 個跟隨者27 個股票代號 追蹤清單由 Yahoo Finance 提供


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追蹤清單今日股價變化1 個月回報1 年回報總回報

27 個股票代號

代號公司名稱收市價變化% 變化市場時間成交量平均成交量 (3 個月)市值
AACTAres Acquisition Corporation II11.03+0.01+0.09%下午3:19 [EST]150.02k130.98k689.37M
ANSCAgriculture & Natural Solutions Acquisition Corporation10.54+0.01+0.09%下午4:00 [EST]364.0059.31k454.54M
IPXXInflection Point Acquisition Corp. II12.22-0.03-0.24%下午4:00 [EST]6.12k64.22k381.88M
CCIXChurchill Capital Corp IX10.41+0.03+0.29%下午4:00 [EST]7.03k55.27k381.66M
SIMASIM Acquisition Corp. I10.09--下午4:00 [EST]183.0060.36k309.43M
SLAMFSlam Corp.11.35-0.08-0.70%下午3:00 [EST]100.007.21k266.19M
HONDUHCM II Acquisition Corp.10.23+0.06+0.59%下午4:00 [EST]332.001.55k255.75M
SIMAUSIM Acquisition Corp. I10.1645+0.04+0.44%下午4:00 [EST]805.001.48k233.78M
BSIIUBlack Spade Acquisition II Co10.09-0.01-0.10%下午4:00 [EST]-11.11k174.05M
RFAIRF Acquisition Corp II10.2701-0.00-0.05%下午4:00 [EST]2.0014.85k154.18M
ISRLIsrael Acquisitions Corp11.37+0.04+0.35%下午4:00 [EST]10.0018.32k145.69M
CHEBChenghe Acquisition II Co.10.13--上午10:35 [EST]776.0038.39k119.64M
TBMCTrailblazer Merger Corporation I11.15--下午4:00 [EST]11.001.34k100.57M
BKHABlack Hawk Acquisition Corporation10.43-0.04-0.38%下午4:00 [EST]736.0014.20k93.13M
JVSAJVSPAC Acquisition Corp.10.6-0.03-0.28%下午4:00 [EST]165.00k11.86k81.47M
TCOAZalatoris Acquisition Corp.10.51--下午3:00 [EST]222.003.43k75.72M
EURKUEureka Acquisition Corp10.32-0.02-0.19%下午4:00 [EST]2.0073.0068.80M
FORLFour Leaf Acquisition Corporation11.22+0.10+0.90%下午4:00 [EST]1.54k6.33k45.76M
ATMVAlphaVest Acquisition Corp11.38--下午4:00 [EST]-3.19k43.87M
QETAQuetta Acquisition Corporation10.63+0.11+1.05%下午4:00 [EST]141.0021.68k39.84M
DISTDistoken Acquisition Corporation11.69--下午4:00 [EST]6.58k798.0037.41M
SBXD-UNSilverBox Corp IV10.25+0.12+1.18%下午2:22 [EST]2.25k784.00-
VCICUVine Hill Capital Investment Corp.10.1599-0.55-5.14%下午4:00 [EST]6.93k5.31k-
POLEUAndretti Acquisition Corp. II10.1201+0.01+0.10%下午4:00 [EST]9.25k15.66k-
FNVT-11.62--下午4:00 [EST]9.58k--
AIMBUAimfinity Investment Corp. I11.99-0.25-2.04%下午4:00 [EST]7.25k8.56k-
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