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當遇到上司或外國客戶關於會面的要求時,要做到流利對答並不難。(圖片來源:Getty Images)



A) Proposing an Appointment over the Phone 電話約會

  1. I would like to make an appointment to see Ms. Chan next week.

  2. Can I have an appointment with Mr. Li tomorrow?

  3. Is it possible to make an appointment with Ms. Anderson on Sunday?

  4. Would four o’clock be okay/ alright with you?

  5. Does two o’clock sound alright?

  6. Yes, that’s great/ perfect.

  7. OK, that’s fine.

  8. Alright, that’s just what we want.

Conversation 情景對話 1

T: Tony              M: Marvin

T:       Hello, my name is Tony with Steve Evans. I would like to make an appointment with Ms. Lee.

M:      Sure. Let me check Ms. Lee’s schedule. Let’s see…she has an opening tomorrow at ten.

T:       I’m afraid I’ll be tied up tomorrow at ten. Could we make it tomorrow at nine?

M:      Yes, that would be much better actually.

T:       Great! Thanks. Bye.

M:      Goodbye. See you tomorrow.

Conversation 情景對話 2

M: Michelle               P: Peter

M:      Good afternoon, Mr. Button’s office.

P:      Hello, can I speak to Benjamin Button, please?

M:      I’m afraid he’s in a meeting until lunchtime. Can I take a message?

P:      Well, I’d like to arrange an appointment to see him, please. It’s Peter Parker here.

M:      Could you hold on for a minute, Mr. Parker? I’ll just look in the diary. So when’s convenient for you?

P:      Sometime next week if possible. I think he’s away the following week.

M:      Yes, that’s right. He’s on holiday for 2 weeks.

P:      Well, I need to see him before he goes away. So would next Wednesday be okay?

M:      Wednesday…let me see… He’s out of the office all morning. But he’s free in the afternoon, after about three.

P:      Three o’clock is difficult. But I could make it after four.

M:      So shall we say 4:15 next Wednesday in Mr. Button’s office?

P:      Yes, that sounds fine. Thanks very much.

M:      Okay, then. Bye.


B) Rescheduling and Canceling Appointments 電話重新安排及取消預約

  1. Is it convenient to make it another time?

  2. I have to postpone the appointment.

  3. I’m busy tomorrow, but I can come the day after(後日).

  4. I hope I could change my appointment from Monday to Thursday.

  5. I’d like to postpone my appointment until/ till next Friday.

  6. Do you think I could change my appointment from 2 to 3 o’clock?

  7. Something’s come up. Can we make our appointment a little later?

  8. Because something unexpected has come up, I wonder if I could change my appointment from Monday to Wednesday.

  9. For some reason or other, I wonder if I could change the day of our meeting to some time later this week, say, Friday.

Conversation 情景對話 1

C: Miss Chan            B: Mr. Brown

C:      Hi, Mr. Brown. This is Miss Chan speaking.

B:      Hi, Miss Chan. How’re you doing today?

C:      Great, thank you. Mr. Brown, can we re-schedule our meeting date? There’s an emergency and I can’t make it on Friday.

B:      No problem. When can we meet?

C:      How about next Monday at the same time?

B:      Suits me fine. My schedule is flexible.

C:      Great. I’ll see you Monday at 6 o’clock at Ritz Carlton.

B:      Alright, Miss Chan.

Conversation 情景對話2

W: Mr. Wong             C: Mr. Cheung

W:      Good morning.

C:      Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wong, please?

W:      Speaking/ This is he.

C:      Morning, Mr. Wong. This is Mr. Cheung from Marco International. I’m phoning about our appointment on Wednesday. I’m sorry, but I can’t make it.

W:      That’s a pity.

C:      Could we meet on Friday instead?

W:      I’m afraid I'll be tied up then.

C:      The only other time I’m free is Thursday morning. That’s the 10th.

W:      Well, I’ll try to manage. Would 9:30 in the morning be convenient for you?

C:      That’s fine. I’m sorry about this trouble.

W:     It’s OK.

C:      Thank you, Mr. Wong. I’ll see you on Thursday then.

W:      Great, see you then. Bye.


Frankie Chan

MA in English Language Teaching (Distinction), BSc (First-class honours), TEFL Dip.

現 代教育IELTS/ TOEFL /Workplace English資深英語名師,著名TOEFL參考書作者及星島日報IELTS攻略專欄作者。曾任劍橋商業英語考試BULATS寫作及口試考官,並於國際英 語學院Wall Street English任教多年並擔任其多間分校之校長,具15年教學經驗,並擁有豐富管理與發展商業英語及國際英語考試課程之經驗。

Facebook: frankieps.chan@gmail.com

Email: frankieps.chan@gmail.com