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對談判新手而言,跟著以下六部曲走,談判不再是難題。(圖片來源:Getty Images)



1.         Social conversation 社交對話

            e.g.      How’s…getting on?

            e.g.      Very nice…you’ve got there.

            e.g.      Shall we get down to business?


2.         Stating positions 表明立場

            e.g.      There are one or two points I’d like to discuss with you.

            e.g.      I see your point, but…



3.         Making proposals 提出提案

            e.g.      What if…?

            e.g.      Maybe, we could…

            e.g.      We might be able to…if…


4.         Bargaining 討價還價

            e.g.      If you can (give us this)…, we can (give you that)…

            e.g.      Provided that you can (give us this)…, we will (give you that)…

            e.g.      I don’t see why you can’t (give us this)…

            e.g.      I’m glad to agree to (give you that)...

            e.g.      The only way I can see my way to (give you this)… is that if you can (give me that)…

            e.g.      I’m afraid that’s just not good enough.

            e.g.      That’s hard/ difficult/ tough.


5.        Agreeing and checking the agreement 接受及確定協議

            e.g.      If you…, we’ll have a deal .

            e.g.      Then, it’s agreed.

            e.g.      Let’s go over the details one more time.


6.   Stating the action 表明行動

        e.g.  I’ll… and you’ll…

        e.g.  So, we’ll start our work as soon as possible.

        e.g.  Okay, we won’t start our work until we’ve received your money.



Deborah:  Well, shall we get down to business?

Bob:  Yes, sure.

Deborah:  Now, I’ve read your proposal and there’re a few points I’d like to go over with you.

                   First, about the project completion date, you say the beginning of next month. But we need at least a week to look over the final design. I’m not sure if this will give us enough time.

Bobby:  Well, I see your point. But I’d have to rearrange my entire schedule to give you an earlier date.

Deborah:  Also, about the price, I noticed that there’s only a 4 percent discount.

Bobby:       Well, that’s our standard discount for new clients…Listen, Deborah…what if we simplify the design? We could probably complete the design earlier.     

Deborah:  I don’t see why you can’t give us 10 percent discount if we agree to simplify the design.

Bobby: The only way I can see my way to giving you a higher discount is that if you give us a later completion date.

Deborah:  Listen, Bob. Provided that you give us 10 percent, I’m happy to agree to a completion date before the 25th of this month.

Bobby:  That’s fine, Deborah. Alright, how about this? A six percent discount and completion by the last day of this month.

Deborah:  I’m afraid that’s just not good enough. Now, if you could have it completed by the 27th, I think we would be happy with, say, seven percent…

Bobby: OK. If you accept the 31st of this month, we’ll have a deal, right?

Deborah:  Well, let’s go over the details one more time, to be sure. A seven percent discount, with the original design, and completion date of 31st of this month.

Bobby: That’s right.

Deborah:  Then it’s agreed.

Bobby: Fine, well, I’m glad we were able to come to an agreement. We’ll start our work soon and look forward to working with you.




Frankie Chan

MA in English Language Teaching (Distinction), BSc (First-class honours), TEFL Dip.

現 代教育IELTS/ TOEFL /Workplace English資深英語名師,著名TOEFL參考書作者及星島日報IELTS攻略專欄作者。曾任劍橋商業英語考試BULATS寫作及口試考官,並於國際英 語學院Wall Street English任教多年並擔任其多間分校之校長,具15年教學經驗,並擁有豐富管理與發展商業英語及國際英語考試課程之經驗。

Facebook: frankieps.chan@gmail.com

Email: frankieps.chan@gmail.com

Instagram: frankiepschan