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【電郵禮節】“Thank you in advance” 讓人聽起來感覺自以為是 ​​ “Thank you in advance” feels presumptuous

你在寫email時經常用到的 "Thank you in advance" 嗎?根據電子郵件生產力軟件公司Boomerang的調查顯示,以 "Thank you in advance" 作為結尾的電郵回覆率高於6成。它不僅有效地表達感激之情,還暗示著寄件人必定為了感激收件人,而作下一步行動。

常言道:「禮多人不怪。」但實際上,有些人卻對"Thank you in advance" 感到非常反感,因為這句話讓人聽起來感覺自以為是,甚至有點冒昧。 "Thank you in advance" 令人反感的原因之一是因為這句話已經假定別人非要關注,非要幫忙不可,感覺剝奪了對方拒絕的權利。另外,這句話也暗示著收件人在完成請求後,不會再得到對方的感謝。


"Thank you for considering my request."(其實當對方願意從頭到尾讀完你的電郵,表示他已經考慮你的要求了。)

"I will be grateful for any help you can provide."

"I will appreciate your help with this situation."


"I hope you will be able to provide the information."

或者直接省掉"in advance"這兩個字:"Thank you for any help you can provide."

在某些情況下, "Thank you in advance"可能是合適的,例如回覆經常合作的同事、已經同意提供幫助的人,或者你向收件人提供他所請求的資訊或任務等。"Thank you in advance"只適用於已經建立的工作關係。如果你想向對方提出請求,嘗試使用一些看起來不像是命令的表達方式,不要假定對方一定會幫助你。然後,在他人幫助你後不要吝嗇你的感激。

Do you frequently use the phrase "Thank you in advance" when writing emails? According to an email productivity software firm, Boomerang's survey, emails that end with "Thank you in advance" have a response rate as high as 65.7%. "Thank you in advance" not only effectively expresses gratitude but also implies that's a foregone conclusion that the recipients’ next act will be to earn the gratitude of the email's sender.

However, is it true that "the more politeness, the better"? Some people dislike "Thank you in advance" because it can make them feel presumptuous. One of the reasons why "Thank you in advance" can be off-putting is that it assumes that the recipient must pay attention and help, thus depriving them of the right to refuse. Additionally, this phrase also implies that the recipient will not receive further gratitude from the sender after fulfilling the request.

Polite expressions play a crucial role in establishing relationships and trust in the business world. Emails that conclude with expressions of gratitude are 36% more likely to get a response. Therefore, when composing email closings, consider using the following phrases:

"Thank you for considering my request." (In fact, when the other person is willing to read your email in its entirety, it indicates that they have already given thought to your request.)

"I will be grateful for any help you can provide."

"I will appreciate your help with this situation."

"I hope you will be able to provide the information."

Alternatively, you can omit the phrase "in advance" altogether: "Thank you for any help you can provide."

In certain situations, "Thank you in advance" may be appropriate, such as when responding to a colleague you frequently collaborate with, someone who has already agreed to help, or when providing the requested information or task to the recipient. Reserve "Thank you in advance" for working relationships you've already established. If you are making a request to someone, try using language that doesn't sound like a command and avoid assuming that the person will definitely help you. Then, after they help you, don't hesitate to express your gratitude.


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