而佢哋嘅股東大會出席率,係高於一眾上市公司董事(董事們,你哋愧不愧疚?)。出心、出力以行動支持上市公司實踐Shareholder Engagement,甚至係Stakeholder Engagement的可持續理念。對於全球企業管治嘅發展,佢應該可以係其中一個名留青史的歷史巨人。古有法國哲學家笛卡兒嘅名言「我思故我在」/「I think therefore I am」,今有陳生嘅「AGM故我在」/「Have AGM? I am here」。
不過,睇緊呢篇文的你,包括我,都係凡人,用完Corporate Governance嘅大愛角度「離地」去睇件事之後,不如「貼地」番啲,用番Corporate Secretaryship and Compliance(日常操作)、Company Law(訴諸法律作為最後手段Last Resort)嘅實質範疇去處理番件事。凡人Mode開始。
「喂,大家都係搵啖飯食,商業社會講利益;你唔阻Q住我,我咪唔阻Q住你囉。You scratch my back, I scratch yours。」
「The Listing Rules do not specify requirements on the conduct of, and format for general meetings. This is governed by the laws and regulations in the issuers’ jurisdiction of incorporation and their own articles of association. However, issuers should also have due regard to the principles set out in the Core Standards, which is to ensure that shareholders’ rights to speak and vote at general meetings will be maintained at all times.」
因為根據the laws and regulations in the issuers’ jurisdiction of incorporation and their own articles of association,大部分香港Listed Co須要召開實體股東會議Physical Meeting;公司可選擇開Hybrid Meeting(即實體會議加Video Conference形式的Virtual Meeting)。總括而言,對好多上市公司嚟講,好多時實體會議係基本消費。至於邊啲上市公司係可以waive咗Physical Meeting呢個Requirement,係一個好複雜嘅問題,係一個cross-jurisdiction的law study,應該寫返幾萬字都得,而我亦冇研究。所以,我哋喺呢到先假設你間上市公司要開Physical Meeting先啦。