香港股市 將在 7 小時 23 分鐘 開市

M3, Inc. (2413.T)

Tokyo - Tokyo 延遲價格。貨幣為 JPY。
1,513.50+10.50 (+0.70%)
收市:03:15PM JST

M3, Inc.

Akasaka Intercity
10th Floor 1-11-44 Akasaka Minato-ku
Tokyo 107-0052
81 3 6229 8900

行業Health Information Services


Mr. Itaru TanimuraPresident & Representative Director1965
截止 為止計算的金額,現金賠償則計算至上一個財政年度末止。薪資是指薪俸、獎金等。已行使價是指財政年度期間已行使的期權價值。貨幣為 JPY。


M3, Inc. provides medical-related services primarily to physicians and other healthcare professionals through Internet. The company operates through five reporting segments: Medical Platform, Evidence Solutions, Career Solutions, Site Solutions, and Overseas. It operates, a members-only web site for providing information to the healthcare professionals; MR-kun, where member doctors can independently and continuously receive information on the m3com platform; QOL-kun that provides life support information other than medical information to members; AskDoctors, where registered doctors answer questions about health and illness from the general public; MDLinx for medical professionals in the United States; and, a website that provides developing services for pharmaceutical companies, as well as provides drug information database in France, Germany, and Spain. The company also provides career services for doctors and pharmacists, recruitment, and posting job advertisements through CAREER. In addition, it engages in the sales activities and marketing operations for pharmaceuticals and medical devices; development, sale, and support business of electronic medical records and medical equipment for medical institutions; survey service for medical professionals; sale and marketing support businesses for pharmaceutical companies, etc. through the Internet; provision of management support and consulting services to medical institutions, and home-visit nursing services; and provision of human resources services for healthcare professionals, as well as operates clinical trial facilities. The company was formerly known as So-netM3, Inc. and changed its name to M3, Inc. in January 2010. M3, Inc. was incorporated in 2000 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.


截至 2024年7月1日 止,M3, Inc. 的 ISS 管治質素評分為 6。 Pillar 分數正在審核中:1;董事會:7;股東權利:10;現金賠償:1。

企業管治評分的資料提供: Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS). 評分將以 1 至 10 分顯示 (與指數或地區相關)。1 分表示較低的管治風險,而 10 分表示較高的管治風險。