香港股市 將在 8 小時 51 分鐘 開市

A. P. Moller Maersk A/S (DP4B.HM)

Hamburg - Hamburg 延遲價格。貨幣為 EUR。
1,707.00-11.50 (-0.67%)
市場開市。 截至 11:20AM CEST。
買盤1,694.50 x 0
賣出價1,697.50 x 0
今日波幅1,707.00 - 1,718.00
52 週波幅1,172.00 - 1,908.50
Beta 值 (5 年,每月)
市盈率 (最近 12 個月)
每股盈利 (最近 12 個月)
遠期股息及收益率無 (無)
1 年預測目標價
  • Reuters

    UPDATE 9-Freighter pilot called for tugboat help before plowing into Baltimore bridge

    The pilot of the cargo freighter that knocked down a highway bridge into Baltimore Harbor had radioed for tugboat help and reported a power loss minutes earlier, federal safety officials said on Wednesday, citing audio from the ship's "black box" data recorder. The head of the National Transportation Safety Board also said that Francis Scott Key Bridge, a traffic artery over the harbor built in 1976, lacked structural engineering redundancies common to newer spans, making it more vulnerable to a catastrophic collapse. New insights into the fatal disaster emerged a day after the massive Singapore-flagged container ship Dali sailing out of Baltimore Harbor bound for Sri Lanka reported losing power and the ability to maneuver before plowing into a support pylon of the bridge.

  • Yahoo財經

    以哈戰爭掀航運股急升 原因詳解

    紅海局勢緊張,導致貨櫃供應量減少,貨運成本上升,令航運股股價向上。例如自12 月中旬以來,馬士基股價已升了37%。在這段時間裡,胡塞軍的襲擊航運公司要暫停或繞過連接蘇彝士運河,即亞洲和歐洲之間的最短路線。

  • Yahoo Finance

    Shipping stocks jump as freight costs soar amid Red Sea tensions

    Freight costs are soaring amid Red Sea tensions, sending shipping stocks higher.