香港股市 將收市,收市時間:3 小時 1 分鐘

Alphabet Inc. (GOOA.VI)

Vienna - Vienna 延遲價格。貨幣為 EUR。
169.88-2.02 (-1.18%)
收市:05:32PM CEST
買盤169.74 x 0
賣出價169.96 x 0
今日波幅169.88 - 170.32
52 週波幅105.52 - 174.08
Beta 值 (5 年,每月)1.01
市盈率 (最近 12 個月)27.62
每股盈利 (最近 12 個月)6.15
業績公佈日2024年7月23日 - 2024年7月29日
遠期股息及收益率0.75 (0.44%)
1 年預測目標價
  • Yahoo財經

    瑞銀:AI難引發蘋果換機潮 原因在中國

    蘋果(AAPL)預計於9月推出以人工智能為中心的下一代iPhone,但其Apple Intelligence軟件平台可能不足以在今明兩年引發新的銷售超級周期。這是瑞銀國際研究分析師David Vogt的觀點,他認為蘋果在中國的市場佔有率遭本土對手如華為等侵蝕,「是iPhone銷量增長的絆腳石」。

  • Reuters

    New Zealand to press ahead with media content pay law

    SYDNEY (Reuters) -New Zealand's conservative coalition government will proceed with a bill that would make it compulsory for digital technology platforms to pay media companies for news, it said on Tuesday. The bill is being introduced as New Zealand media companies struggle against technology firms for advertising dollars, leading them to find new ways to provide news programming. The Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill, introduced last year by the previous Labour government, will be presented in Parliament with amendments to support "our local media companies to earn revenue for the news they produce", Communications Minister Paul Goldsmith said.

  • Reuters

    Google to require disclosures for digitally altered content in election ads

    The update to the disclosure requirements under the political content policy requires marketers to select a checkbox in the "altered or synthetic content" section of their campaign settings. The rise of deepfakes, convincingly manipulated content to misrepresent someone, have further blurred the lines between the real and the fake. Google said it will generate an in-ad disclosure for feeds and shorts on mobile phones and in-streams on computers and television.