香港股市 將在 8 小時 46 分鐘 開市

MSFT Sep 2024 490.000 call

OPR - OPR 延遲價格。貨幣為 USD。
1.7000-0.3000 (-15.00%)
市場開市。 截至 12:22PM EDT。
  • Reuters

    Russian disinformation campaign takes aim at Paris Olympics, Microsoft says

    Russia has stepped up an online disinformation campaign which takes aim at France and the upcoming Paris Olympics, Microsoft said in a blog post published on Sunday. The campaign, which includes falsified news websites and a feature-length documentary film, is specifically designed to denigrate the reputation of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and create the impression that the summer games will be marred by violence, Microsoft said. Russia's embassy in London did not respond to an emailed request from Reuters for comment.

  • HK

    美股開市前:英偉達升逾3% 台積電升2% 中國新能源汽車股上升 - 周一(3日)開市前,美國股指期貨升跌互現,英偉達等晶片股帶動納指期貨升逾100點。市場靜待本周稍晚的非農就業報告,上周公佈的PCE數據不溫不火,符合預期,緩和了人們對通脹抬頭的擔憂,惟仍需更多數據表明通脹會持續下降。

  • 鉅亨網


    根據路透周一 (3 日) 報導,隨微軟 (MSFT-US) 及其硬體合作夥伴準備推出一批基於安謀 (Arm) 技術的新電腦,安謀執行長表示,目標是在 5 年內拿下超過 50% 的 Windows 個人電腦 (PC) 市占。