香港股市 將收市,收市時間:50 分鐘

WB Oct 2024 9.200 call

OPR - OPR 延遲價格。貨幣為 USD。
0.60000.0000 (0.00%)
市場開市。 截至 01:25PM EDT。
今日波幅0.6000 - 0.6000
  • The Bamboo Works 詠竹坊

    微博競爭大收入降 望奧運會刺激廣告

    這家中國社交媒體老前輩近年被抖音、快手及小紅書等競爭對手搶去不少市場 重點︰ 裴梓龍 現代人習慣在網路追看熱門話題,作為中國早期的社交媒體,擁有14年歷史的微博股份有限公司(WB.US; 9898HK),更是獲知影視明星及知名人物最新動向的重地。隨著短視頻平台如抖音及快手(1024.HK)的快速發展,微博正被後起之秀取代。 微博5月底公佈了今年第一季業績,淨營收3.96億美元,按年下跌4%,依固定匯率計算則持平;但淨利潤大幅下跌51%至4,944萬美元,如在非公認會計準則(Non-GAAP)下,淨利潤則微減4%至1.07億美元。 過去幾年,各大社交媒體的廣告收入都受到挑戰,一來是內地整體經濟復甦比預期慢,第二在抖音、快手及小紅書等競爭下,作為老一輩的微博,自然被分去一大部分的廣告收入。 去年微博的廣告及營銷收入已經按年下跌4%,第四季雖然按年增長3%,但今年第一季再次下跌,按年降幅達5%至3.39億美元,按季下跌約16%,如果不包括來自阿裡巴巴的廣告收入,首季廣告及營銷收入按年也下降6%至3.37億美元;至於另一業務,包括會員服務、線上遊戲服務及社交商務解決方案等的增值服務,第一季收入

  • InvestorPlace

    3 Sorry Social Media Stocks to Sell in May While You Still Can

    Social media stocks to sell aren’t just a passing thought anymore. Over the past few years, we’ve seen how social media has played second-fiddle to other cutting-edge technologies in the investing world. Last year’s rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) sparked incredible investor interest, propelling AI stocks to unprecedented levels. This transformation points to a maturing market where growing competition and evolving user habits threaten the long-term growth trajectories of social media

  • South China Morning Post

    South China Sea: Beijing urges Washington to refrain from interfering in disputes

    Beijing urged Washington to refrain from interfering in China's maritime disputes with its neighbours in their latest talks that were made public on Tuesday. Hong Liang, the Chinese foreign ministry's director general for boundary and ocean affairs, and Mark Lambert, the US State Department's China coordinator and deputy assistant secretary for China and Taiwan, held a virtual meeting on Friday. A US State Department readout said the two sides had exchanged views on the situation in the South Ch