All Markets Summit Extra Asia 全球市場高峰會

The Yahoo Finance All Markets Summit Extra Asia returns to Hong Kong! Since our last event, the global economy has been on a rollercoaster ride whilst new technologies like the blockchain have drastically shifted the way we do business in both real and virtual worlds. At the Yahoo Finance! All Markets Summit Extra Asia 2022, we will bring together the pioneers, creators and industry forerunners from across Asia to further investigate hot topics like digital assets, NFTs, Metaverse and Web3. Our speakers will share their success and learnings, future applications, and other paradigm shifts we should expect as we foray into the economy of tomorrow.

Yahoo財經 All Markets Summit Extra Asia載譽歸來!自去年峰會首度舉行至今,全球虛擬經濟一直風起雲湧,急劇轉變市場形勢猶如過山車。此外,區塊鏈技術及其帶來的業務創新與業務無縫接軌並帶來深遠的變革,於現實和虛擬世界中穿梭遊走的營商模式正蔓延至各行各業。Yahoo財經 All Markets Summit Extra Asia 2022雲集自亞洲各地的行業先驅、創造者和行業領袖,深入探討數碼資產、NFT、元宇宙和 Web3 等虛擬經濟議題。 您將聽到主題演講和研討會的專家講者分享他們的於虛擬經濟的經歷及最佳範例、市場未來的看法,並大談各種將重塑新世界經濟的新趨勢。想於虛擬經濟起伏之中運籌帷幄,絕對不能錯過今年的峰會。




    DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, Managing Director and Head of Technology and Operations Hong Kong and Mainland China | 星展銀行 (香港)有限公司董事總經理兼香港及中國內地科技及營運總監

    Alfian is a senior technology and operations professional with experience in implementing large group-wide programs and projects and for defining technology and operations road maps and strategies for financial organisations. Experienced in building high performing teams of technologists and operations professionals who operate well in high pressure situations delivering the operational backbone of the bank. | 夏艾芬為科技及營運的資深專業人士,具有為大型企業實施計劃和項目的經驗,並為金融集團制訂科技與營運方面的戰略藍圖。 夏先生在建立科技及營運專業團隊擁有豐富經驗及能力帶領團隊為銀行提供骨幹營運。



    Ripple, SVP Global Customer Success and Managing Director for APAC and MENA | 瑞波 全球客戶成功高級副總裁兼亞太和中東和北非地區董事總經理

    Brooks Entwistle is the SVP of Global Customer Success, and the Managing Director for APAC and MENA at Ripple. Prior to joining Ripple, he served as Chief Business Officer International for Uber, responsible for business development and the firm’s relationships across APAC, EMEA and LatAm. | Brooks Entwistle是區塊鏈公司Ripple的全球客戶成功高級副總裁兼亞太和中東和北非地區董事總經理。在加入Ripple前,他曾擔任Uber的國際首席商務官,負責業務發展和公司在亞太地區、歐洲、中東、非洲以及拉丁美洲的關係。

  • EDDIE LAU 劉富榮

    EDDIE LAU 劉富榮

    ARTA TechFin, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director | 裕承科金行政總裁

    Eddie Lau is the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of ARTA TechFin (HKSE: 0279) since June 2021. He has 20 years of experience in capital markets, investment management and corporate management in China and the United States. | 劉富榮先生于2021年6月加入裕承科金有限公司(香港交易所代號:0279),現任集團總經理、執行董事。劉富榮先生擁有超過20年的中國及美國證券交易、資產管理從業經驗及金融機構企業管理經驗。

  • FRED NGAN 顏耀輝

    FRED NGAN 顏耀輝

    Bowtie, Co-Founder and Co-CEO | 保泰人壽 聯合創辦人及聯合行政總裁

    Fred is the Co-Founder & Co-CEO of Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited, a mission-driven life and health insurer in Hong Kong. He co-founded Bowtie, Hong Kong’s first virtual life insurer, to challenge the traditional insurance model and provide simple and affordable insurance to everyone through modern technology. |顏耀輝先生(Fred)是保泰人壽(Bowtie)的聯合創辦人及聯合行政總裁。 Bowtie是一間立足香港、「以使命為本」的人壽及醫療保險公司。Fred聯合創立了香港首間虛擬保險公司Bowtie,以創新科技挑戰傳統保險公司模式,為大眾提供平等、簡單、可負擔的醫療保障。

  • GAVIN HO 何俊傑

    GAVIN HO 何俊傑

    Axion Global Digits Technology (Hong Kong), Chief Executive Officer | 獅昂環球數科(香港)行政總裁

    Mr. Gavin Ho is the Chief Executive Officer of Axion Global Digits Technology (Hong Kong) Limited. He takes charge of the company’s new businesses, overseeing the strategic development of fintech ventures, innovation. He also leads the development of the Axion Global Asset Management, which is one of a few regulated digital asset fund managers in Hong Kong. | 何俊傑先生為獅昂環球數科(香港)有限公司的行政總裁。彼負責該公司的新業務發展、監督金融科技創投的戰略發展及創新。他亦帶領香港僅有的合規數字資產管理公司之一 ── 獅昂環球資產管理(AGAM)的業務發展。

  • JEHAN CHU 朱沛宗

    JEHAN CHU 朱沛宗

    Kenetic, Founder and Managing Partner | Kenetic 創辦人和管理合夥人

    Jehan Chu is Founder and Managing Partner at Kenetic, a blockchain Venture Capital and cryptocurrency trading firm based in Hong Kong. A former front-end developer, he started investing in cryptocurrency in 2013 and has invested and supported over 230 projects. Jehan founded the Ethereum HK community (2014), co-Founded the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong (2014) and founded the Hyperledger HK community (2016). | 朱沛宗先生(Jehan)是香港區塊鏈投資及加密貨幣交易公司 Kinetic 的創辦人和管理合夥人。本是前線編程師的Jehan,自2013年起投資加密貨幣,至今共投資及支持逾230個項目。Jehan 2014年成立Ethereum HK Community,同年亦共同創立香港比特幣協會,並在2016年成立Hyperledger HK Community。

  • JOHN TSANG 曾俊華

    JOHN TSANG 曾俊華

    Esperanza, Founder | Esperanza 創辦人

    John worked as an Administrative Officer in the Hong Kong Government in 1982. He took up a number of posts relating to commerce and finance. John is currently engaged in a number of diverse activities. He is the Founder of Esperanza, a non-profit organisation, the Vice Chairman of Ion Pacific, a financial institution that specialises in technology investments, the Senior Advisor of Bowtie, a virtual insurance company, a board member of the Greater Bay Area Homeland Investments Ltd., an advisor of Q Venture Partners, a VC firm that carries innovative and design capabilities, an advisor of StashAway, an intelligent wealth management platform. | 曾俊華先⽣於 1982 年加入香港政府政務官⾏列,曾經擔任多個商務及財經事務有關的職位。曾先⽣現時參與不同的活動。他是非牟利機構「薯⽚叔叔共創社」 的始創⼈,從事投資科技的⾦融機構 Ion Pacific 的副主席,虛擬保險公司保泰⼈壽 Bowtie Insurance 的資深顧問,⼤灣區共同家園投資有限公司的董事,有創新兼設計能⼒的創投基⾦ Q Venture Partners 的顧問,智能資產管理平台 StashAway 的顧問。



    Sandbox, Co-founder and COO | Sandbox 聯合創辦人兼首席運營官

    Sébastien Borget is the Co-founder and COO of The Sandbox decentralized Metaverse, a virtual world where players can create, play, own, govern and monetize their experiences using NFTs & SAND, the main utility token of the platform. | Sébastien Borget 是元宇宙虛擬平台The Sandbox的聯合創辦人兼首席運營官。The Sandbox是一個去中心化虛擬世界,玩家可以於平台使用 NFT及平台的主要功能型代幣SAND,以創建、遊戯、擁有、管理及貨幣化他們的體驗。



    Hi, Co-founder | Hi 聯合創辦人

    Sean Rach is co-founder of hi, which aims to build the world’s most functional and user-friendly mobile Super-App with the ambition of onboarding 1 billion people onto the ecosystem. Previously, he was the founding Chief Marketing Officer of, helping the FinTech startup’s grow to 3 million customers across the globe. | Sean Rach 是 hi 的聯合創辦人,該公司旨在打造世界上功能最強大、用戶最友好的移動超級應用程序,其目標是讓 10 億人加入生態系統。 此前,他是 的創始首席營銷官,幫助這家金融科技初創公司在全球擁有 300 萬客戶。



    StashAway, Group Co-CIO and Head of StashAway HK | StashAway 集團聯合投資總監兼香港區董事總經理

    Stephanie Leung is the Director, Group Co-CIO & Head of StashAway HK. Stephanie has more than 17 years of experience in managing multi-asset portfolios globally for Goldman Sachs as well as for institutional investors and family offices. Her expertise in global macro and quantitative investing has enabled her to effectively manage multi-billion portfolios for her clients. | Stephanie Leung 小姐是StashAway 集團聯合投資總監兼香港區董事總經理。Stephanie 擁有超過 17 年的投資經驗,於全球宏觀及定量投資方面擁有相當豐富的專業知識,曾為高盛、多個機構投資者及家族辦公室管理多元化的環球資產投資組合,所管理的資產總額超過數十億美元。


Wednesday August 10, 2022 10am to 12nn ( Hong Kong Time) | 8月10日,星期三,早上10時至中午12時 (香港時間)
    • 10:00AM

      JOHN TSANG’s Paradigm Shift: From “Ah Sir” to Choi Yeah NFT | 由阿Sir到Choi Yeah NFT: 曾俊華的變革

      Mr. JOHN TSANG, Esperanza Founder | 曾俊華, Esperanza 創辦人

      Interviewed by ANGIE LAU, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Forkast | 主持:ANGIE LAU, Forkast 創辦人及總編輯

    • 10:21AM

      What Metaverse Means to Reality - Just an Avatar or your Second Life? | Metaverse 對現實的意義—只是一個頭像還是第二人生?

      Mr. SÉBASTIEN BORGET, Co-founder and COO - Sandbox | SÉBASTIEN BORGET, The Sandbox 聯合創始人兼首席運營官

      Interviewed by ANGIE LAU, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Forkast | 主持:ANGIE LAU, Forkast 創辦人及總編輯

    • 10:43AM

      Panel Session 1: From NFT to DAO, What is the Future of Web 3 | 第一場研討會: 由NFT到DAO,Web3的去向

      JEHAN CHU, Founder and Managing Partner - Kenetic | 朱沛宗,Kinetic 創辦人和管理合夥人

      ALFIAN SHARIFUDDIN, Managing Director and Head of Technology & Operations - DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited | 夏艾芬,星展銀行 (香港)有限公司董事總經理兼香港及中國內地科技及營運總監

      EDDIE FW LAU, CEO - ARTA TechFin | 劉富榮,裕承科金行政總裁

      Moderated by ANGIE LAU, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Forkast | 主持:ANGIE LAU, Forkast 創辦人及總編輯




    Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Forkast|Forkast 創辦人及總編輯

    Angie Lau is Editor-in-Chief, CEO, and Founder of Forkast. She is an award-winning veteran journalist who interviews newsmakers, CEOs, and icons, including the exclusive with Li Ka-shing. Angie is a respected thought leader in blockchain technology, leading conversations around the world, including at OECD's Global Blockchain Policy Forum, World Economic Forum and many others. |Angie Lau 是 Forkast 的總編輯、行政總裁暨創辦人。 她是一位屢獲殊榮的資深記者,採訪世界各地最知名的商業領袖,包括與李嘉誠的獨家專訪。 Angie 是區塊鏈技術領域受人尊敬的思想領袖,在全球範圍內領導對話,包括在經合組織全球區塊鏈政策論壇、世界經濟論壇等等。



    Editor-in-Chief, Engadget Chinese|Engadget 中文版總編輯

    Richard Lai is the Editor-in-Chief of Engadget Chinese and has been with the global team for over 12 years, specializing in smartphones, wearables, VR, drones, smart home devices and more. Richard is also a judge for GSMA's Global Mobile Awards, James Dyson Awards and Computex d&i Awards, and he has hosted stage interviews at TechCrunch events as well as RISE.|Richard Lai為Engadget 中文版總編輯。他加入Engadget國際團隊逾12年,專注於智能手機、穿載裝置、VR、無人機、智能家居等各項科技產業。他並擔任GSMA的Global Mobile Awards、James Dyson Awards及Computex d&i Awards等國際獎項評審,他在多項焦點活主持訪談環節,包括TechCrunch、RISE等。