香港股市 將收市,收市時間:3 小時 17 分鐘

NVDA Jun 2026 1760.000 call

OPR - OPR 延遲價格。貨幣為 USD。
198.000.00 (0.00%)
市場開市。 截至 09:52AM EDT。
  • Reuters

    Morning Bid: It's time for E-C-B

    After the Bank of Canada became the first G7 country to cut interest rates, the stage is set for the European Central Bank to lower rates too. While ECB policymakers clearly telegraphed their intention to lower borrowing costs in June, moving well ahead of the U.S. Federal Reserve, the path beyond has become uncertain. That has brought the focus squarely on what Lagarde will say once the ECB delivers the widely expected rate cut on Thursday.

  • Investor's Business Daily

    Dow Jones Futures: Nasdaq, S&P 500 Run To Highs, Nvidia Tops Apple; 11 Stocks Flash Buy Signals

    The S&P 500 and Nasdaq hit highs and many stocks flashed buy signals on just-right economic data. Nvidia topped a $3 trillion valuation, passing Apple.

  • HK

    隔夜美股瘋漲!今日港股上演行情“大追趕” 科指4連漲,高開逾1%

    英偉達還有多少上漲空間?更多分析師目標價,一鍵查看詳情,專屬優惠等你領取! -周四(6日),港股三大指數集體高開,恒生科技指數漲超1%,實現四連漲。盤面上,大型科技股集體走高,網易-S (HK:9999)漲4%,騰訊控股 (HK:0700)漲近2%。