香港股市 將收市,收市時間:1 小時 9 分鐘

TSM Aug 2024 125.000 put

OPR - OPR 延遲價格。貨幣為 USD。
1.16000.0000 (0.00%)
市場開市。 截至 03:55PM EDT。
  • Reuters

    TSMC says it has discussed moving fabs out of Taiwan, but such a move impossible

    HSINCHU, Taiwan (Reuters) -Taiwanese contract chipmaker TSMC has held talks with its customers about whether to move its fabrication plants off the island amid increased tensions with China, although such a move would be impossible, a senior executive said on Tuesday. Speaking to reporters after the company's annual shareholder meeting in Hsinchu, where TSMC is headquartered, Chairman C.C. Wei said that given 80%-90% of its production capacity is in Taiwan, it would be impossible to move the factories. "Unstability across the Taiwan Straits is indeed a consideration for supply chain, but I want to say that we certainly do not want wars to happen," Wei told reporters after the company's annual general meeting.

  • 鉅亨網

    台積電結束雙首長制 魏哲家接董座 日經:魏哲家面臨三個挑戰

    台積電結束雙首長制,總裁魏哲家周二(4 日)正式接任董事長,《日經新聞》周一指出,他將面臨三個挑戰,其中地緣政治是最大、也最難控制的風險。

  • infocast


    《今早重點新聞》 台積電:對未來增長充滿信心 領先地位不太可能被對手趕上港股反覆 美團周四放榜曾挾升4.77% 李家超:針對網約車研究差不多完成 7月中向立法會匯報 國資委:各央企原則上不得新設、收購、新參股各類金融機構鈴木俊一:干預匯市一定程度上產生效果 關注汽車業醜聞衝擊